See caption.

MOL 281, Fall 2024: (l-r) Oscair Page, Arosheny Puvanenthirarajah, Professor Elizabeth Gavis, Kelih Henyo, Nana Yaw Mensah, Jingjing Wang, Blaise Stone, Isabella Strumolo, Maya Butani, Tiffany Park, Undergraduate Administrator Katie Pyott, Jonathan Afowork, Angel Ndubisi, Gabriel Samcam Vargas

MOL 280 and 281: Molecular Biology Research Experience I and II

The Molecular Biology Research Experience is a two-course sequence that provides sophomore students with an in lab research experience mentored by faculty in the department. MOL 280: Molecular Biology Research Experience I, offered in the fall semester, is a non-credit bearing PDF course and is a prerequisite to MOL 281: Molecular Biology Research Experience II.  MOL 281, offered in the spring semester, is a credit bearing course. Students must earn a "P" in MOL 280 to enroll in MOL 281. Students are expected to spend a minimum of 6 hours per week engaged in research and attend weekly meeting as determined by the mentoring faculty. 

This course sequence will give students experience in:

  1. Experimental design and execution. Students will learn how to plan and perform a series of experiments that attempt to answer a specific question.
  2. Data collection and analysis. Students will learn methods and best practices for collection, storage, and analysis of experimental data.
  3. Procurement and reading of primary literature. Students will learn methods to search the life sciences literature. Students will be introduced to the practice of reading and interpreting primary research papers.
  4. Presentation.  Students will learn how to prepare an oral presentation with slides for lab group meetings (one per semester). Students will also prepare a poster summarizing their research to present at a poster session during the second semester.

Interested students should set up an appointment to talk with Professor John Brooks to discuss research opportunities in the department. This course is intended for prospective MOL majors. First-year students are not permitted to do research in the department.