All 300-, 400-, and 500-level MOL courses (regardless of whether MOL is the primary listing) qualify as departmental courses or "departmentals," as do all 300-level and above EEB courses where EEB is the primary listing.In addition, the courses listed below are currently* approved as departmentals.DepartmentalsCourse NumberCourse NameCBE 419EnzymesCBE 433Introduction to the Mechanics and Dynamics of Soft Living MatterCBE 439Quantitative PhysiologyCBE 440The Physical Basis of Human DiseaseCBE 447Metabolic EngineeringCHM 301/303Organic Chemistry ICHM 302/304/304BOrganic Chemistry IICHM 337Organic Chemistry: Bioengineering EmphasisCHM 403Advanced BiochemistryCHM 440Drug Discovery in the Genomics EraCHM 515Biophysical Chemistry ICHM 516Biophysical MethodsCHM 538Topics in Biological Chemistry: Chemical Tools to Study Biological SystemsCHM 541/ QCB 541Chemical Biology IICHM 544/ ENV 544 Metals in BiologyCOS 343Algorithms for Computational BiologyGEO 417/ CEE 417/ EEB 419Environmental MicrobiologyGEO 523/ CEE 572 GeomicrobiologyMAE 344/ MSE 364 Biomechanics and Biomaterials: From Cells to OrganismsNEU 430Epigenetics in Neuroscience and BehaviorNEU 501A/ NEU 501BNeuroscience: From Molecules to Systems to BehaviorsPHY 412Biological PhysicsQCB 408Foundations of Statistical GenomicsQCB 470/ GHP 470Biochemistry of Physiology and Disease *To suggest another course as a potential departmental, contact the Undergraduate Administrator.