Spatiotemporal coordination of stem cell commitment during epidermal homeostasis. Author Panteleimon Rompolas, Kailin Mesa, Kyogo Kawaguchi, Sangbum Park, David Gonzalez, Samara Brown, Jonathan Boucher, Allon Klein, Valentina Greco Publication Year 2016 Type Journal Article Abstract Adult tissues replace lost cells via pools of stem cells. However, the mechanisms of cell self-renewal, commitment, and functional integration into the tissue remain unsolved. Using imaging techniques in live mice, we captured the lifetime of individual cells in the ear and paw epidermis. Our data suggest that epidermal stem cells have equal potential to either divide or directly differentiate. Tracking stem cells over multiple generations reveals that cell behavior is not coordinated between generations. However, sibling cell fate and lifetimes are coupled. We did not observe regulated asymmetric cell divisions. Lastly, we demonstrated that differentiating stem cells integrate into preexisting ordered spatial units of the epidermis. This study elucidates how a tissue is maintained by both temporal and spatial coordination of stem cell behaviors. Journal Science (New York, N.Y.) Volume 352 Issue 6292 Pages 1471-4 Date Published 06/2016 ISSN Number 1095-9203 DOI 10.1126/science.aaf7012 Alternate Journal Science PMCID PMC4958018 PMID 27229141 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML