Simultaneous cellular-resolution optical perturbation and imaging of place cell firing fields. Author John Rickgauer, Karl Deisseroth, David Tank Publication Year 2014 Type Journal Article Abstract Linking neural microcircuit function to emergent properties of the mammalian brain requires fine-scale manipulation and measurement of neural activity during behavior, where each neuron's coding and dynamics can be characterized. We developed an optical method for simultaneous cellular-resolution stimulation and large-scale recording of neuronal activity in behaving mice. Dual-wavelength two-photon excitation allowed largely independent functional imaging with a green fluorescent calcium sensor (GCaMP3, λ = 920 ± 6 nm) and single-neuron photostimulation with a red-shifted optogenetic probe (C1V1, λ = 1,064 ± 6 nm) in neurons coexpressing the two proteins. We manipulated task-modulated activity in individual hippocampal CA1 place cells during spatial navigation in a virtual reality environment, mimicking natural place-field activity, or 'biasing', to reveal subthreshold dynamics. Notably, manipulating single place-cell activity also affected activity in small groups of other place cells that were active around the same time in the task, suggesting a functional role for local place cell interactions in shaping firing fields. Keywords Animals, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Male, Neurons, Photic Stimulation, Space Perception, Mice, Transgenic, Hippocampus, Optogenetics Journal Nat Neurosci Volume 17 Issue 12 Pages 1816-24 Date Published 2014 Dec ISSN Number 1546-1726 DOI 10.1038/nn.3866 Alternate Journal Nat Neurosci PMCID PMC4459599 PMID 25402854 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML