Signaling Dynamics Control Cell Fate in the Early Drosophila Embryo. Author Heath Johnson, Jared Toettcher Publication Year 2019 Type Journal Article Abstract The Erk mitogen-activated protein kinase plays diverse roles in animal development. Its widespread reuse raises a conundrum: when a single kinase like Erk is activated, how does a developing cell know which fate to adopt? We combine optogenetic control with genetic perturbations to dissect Erk-dependent fates in the early Drosophila embryo. We find that Erk activity is sufficient to "posteriorize" 88% of the embryo, inducing gut endoderm-like gene expression and morphogenetic movements in all cells within this region. Gut endoderm fate adoption requires at least 1 h of signaling, whereas a 30-min Erk pulse specifies a distinct ectodermal cell type, intermediate neuroblasts. We find that the endoderm-ectoderm cell fate switch is controlled by the cumulative load of Erk activity, not the duration of a single pulse. The fly embryo thus harbors a classic example of dynamic control, where the temporal profile of Erk signaling selects between distinct physiological outcomes. Keywords Animals, Drosophila, Morphogenesis, Embryo, Mammalian, Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental, Embryo, Nonmammalian, Cell Differentiation, Ectoderm, Endoderm Journal Dev Cell Volume 48 Issue 3 Pages 361-370.e3 Date Published 2019 Feb 11 ISSN Number 1878-1551 DOI 10.1016/j.devcel.2019.01.009 Alternate Journal Dev Cell PMCID PMC6394837 PMID 30753836 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML