A Scalable Platform for Functional Nanomaterials via Bubble-Bursting. Author Jie Feng, Janine Nunes, Sangwoo Shin, Jing Yan, Yong Kong, Robert Prud'homme, Luben Arnaudov, Simeon Stoyanov, Howard Stone Publication Year 2016 Type Journal Article Abstract A continuous and scalable bubbling system to generate functional nanodroplets dispersed in a continuous phase is proposed. Scaling up of this system can be achieved by simply tuning the bubbling parameters. This new and versatile system is capable of encapsulating various functional nanomaterials to form functional nanoemulsions and nanoparticles in one step. Journal Adv Mater Volume 28 Issue 21 Pages 4047-52 Date Published 2016 Jun ISSN Number 1521-4095 DOI 10.1002/adma.201505994 Alternate Journal Adv Mater PMID 27007617 PubMedGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML