Role of eye movements in the retinal code for a size discrimination task. Author Ronen Segev, Elad Schneidman, Joe Goodhouse, Michael Berry Publication Year 2007 Type Journal Article Abstract The concerted action of saccades and fixational eye movements are crucial for seeing stationary objects in the visual world. We studied how these eye movements contribute to retinal coding of visual information using the archer fish as a model system. We quantified the animal's ability to distinguish among objects of different sizes and measured its eye movements. We recorded from populations of retinal ganglion cells with a multielectrode array, while presenting visual stimuli matched to the behavioral task. We found that the beginning of fixation, namely the time immediately after the saccade, provided the most visual information about object size, with fixational eye movements, which consist of tremor and drift in the archer fish, yielding only a minor contribution. A simple decoder that combined information from Keywords Animals, Kinetics, Calibration, Reaction Time, Visual Perception, Discrimination Learning, Retina, Motion Perception, Retinal Ganglion Cells, Optic Nerve, Eye Movements, Perciformes, Size Perception Journal J Neurophysiol Volume 98 Issue 3 Pages 1380-91 Date Published 2007 Sep ISSN Number 0022-3077 DOI 10.1152/jn.00395.2007 Alternate Journal J Neurophysiol PMID 17625063 PubMedGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML