Prospects for Engineering Biophysical CO Concentrating Mechanisms into Land Plants to Enhance Yields. Author Jessica Hennacy, Martin Jonikas Publication Year 2020 Type Journal Article Abstract Although cyanobacteria and algae represent a small fraction of the biomass of all primary producers, their photosynthetic activity accounts for roughly half of the daily CO fixation that occurs on Earth. These microorganisms are able to accomplish this feat by enhancing the activity of the CO-fixing enzyme Rubisco using biophysical CO concentrating mechanisms (CCMs). Biophysical CCMs operate by concentrating bicarbonate and converting it into CO in a compartment that houses Rubisco (in contrast with other CCMs that concentrate CO via an organic intermediate, such as malate in the case of C CCMs). This activity provides Rubisco with a high concentration of its substrate, thereby increasing its reaction rate. The genetic engineering of a biophysical CCM into land plants is being pursued as a strategy to increase crop yields. This review focuses on the progress toward understanding the molecular components of cyanobacterial and algal CCMs, as well as recent advances toward engineering these components into land plants. Keywords Carbon Dioxide, Photosynthesis, Ribulose-Bisphosphate Carboxylase, Engineering, Embryophyta Journal Annu Rev Plant Biol Volume 71 Pages 461-485 Date Published 2020 Apr 29 ISSN Number 1545-2123 DOI 10.1146/annurev-arplant-081519-040100 Alternate Journal Annu Rev Plant Biol PMCID PMC7845915 PMID 32151155 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML