Promoting validation and cross-phylogenetic integration in model organism research. Author Keith Cheng, Rebecca Burdine, Mary Dickinson, Stephen Ekker, Alex Lin, K Lloyd, Cathleen Lutz, Calum MacRae, John Morrison, David O'Connor, John Postlethwait, Crystal Rogers, Susan Sanchez, Julie Simpson, William Talbot, Douglas Wallace, Jill Weimer, Hugo Bellen Publication Year 2022 Type Journal Article Abstract Model organism (MO) research provides a basic understanding of biology and disease due to the evolutionary conservation of the molecular and cellular language of life. MOs have been used to identify and understand the function of orthologous genes, proteins, cells and tissues involved in biological processes, to develop and evaluate techniques and methods, and to perform whole-organism-based chemical screens to test drug efficacy and toxicity. However, a growing richness of datasets and the rising power of computation raise an important question: How do we maximize the value of MOs? In-depth discussions in over 50 virtual presentations organized by the National Institutes of Health across more than 10 weeks yielded important suggestions for improving the rigor, validation, reproducibility and translatability of MO research. The effort clarified challenges and opportunities for developing and integrating tools and resources. Maintenance of critical existing infrastructure and the implementation of suggested improvements will play important roles in maintaining productivity and facilitating the validation of animal models of human biology and disease. Keywords Animals, Humans, Biological Evolution, Reproducibility of Results, Phylogeny Journal Dis Model Mech Volume 15 Issue 9 Date Published 2022 Sep 01 ISSN Number 1754-8411 DOI 10.1242/dmm.049600 Alternate Journal Dis Model Mech PMCID PMC9531892 PMID 36125045 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML