An oscillatory circuit underlying the detection of disruptions in temporally-periodic patterns. Author Juan Gao, Greg Schwartz, Michael Berry, Philip Holmes Publication Year 2009 Type Journal Article Abstract Neurons in diverse brain areas can respond to the interruption of a regular stimulus pattern by firing bursts of spikes. Here we describe a simple model, which permits such responses to periodic stimuli over a substantial frequency range. Focusing on the omitted stimulus response (OSR) in isolated retinas subjected to periodic patterns of dark flashes, we develop a biophysically-realistic model which accounts for resonances in ON bipolar cells. The bipolar cell terminal contains an LRC oscillator whose inductance is modulated by a transient calcium concentration, thus adjusting its resonant frequency to approximately match that of the stimulus. The model reproduces ganglion cell outputs, which sum the ON and OFF bipolar pathways, and it responds to omitted flashes with approximately constant latencies, as observed experimentally. Keywords Animals, Models, Neurological, Photic Stimulation, Retinal Ganglion Cells, Retinal Bipolar Cells Journal Network Volume 20 Issue 2 Pages 106-35 Date Published 2009 ISSN Number 1361-6536 DOI 10.1080/09548980902991705 Alternate Journal Network PMCID PMC2752637 PMID 19568983 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML