MreB Orientation Correlates with Cell Diameter in Escherichia coli. Author Nikolay Ouzounov, Jeffrey Nguyen, Benjamin Bratton, David Jacobowitz, Zemer Gitai, Joshua Shaevitz Publication Year 2016 Type Journal Article Abstract Bacteria have remarkably robust cell shape control mechanisms. For example, cell diameter only varies by a few percent across a given population. The bacterial actin homolog, MreB, is necessary for establishment and maintenance of rod shape although the detailed properties of MreB that are important for shape control remained unknown. In this study, we perturb MreB in two ways: by treating cells with the polymerization-inhibiting drug A22 and by creating point mutants in mreB. These perturbations modify the steady-state diameter of cells over a wide range, from 790 ± 30 nm to 1700 ± 20 nm. To determine which properties of MreB are important for diameter control, we correlated structural characteristics of fluorescently tagged MreB polymers with cell diameter by simultaneously analyzing three-dimensional images of MreB and cell shape. Our results indicate that the helical pitch angle of MreB inversely correlates with the cell diameter of Escherichia coli. Other correlations between MreB and cell diameter are not found to be significant. These results demonstrate that the physical properties of MreB filaments are important for shape control and support a model in which MreB organizes the cell wall growth machinery to produce a chiral cell wall structure and dictate cell diameter. Keywords Escherichia coli, Models, Biological, Mutation, Microscopy, Fluorescence, Green Fluorescent Proteins, Escherichia coli Proteins, Imaging, Three-Dimensional Journal Biophys J Volume 111 Issue 5 Pages 1035-43 Date Published 2016 Sep 06 ISSN Number 1542-0086 DOI 10.1016/j.bpj.2016.07.017 Alternate Journal Biophys J PMCID PMC5018124 PMID 27602731 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML