Mixing and matching siderophore clusters: structure and biosynthesis of serratiochelins from Serratia sp. V4. Author Mohammad Seyedsayamdost, Sara Cleto, Gavin Carr, Hera Vlamakis, Maria Vieira, Roberto Kolter, Jon Clardy Publication Year 2012 Type Journal Article Abstract Interrogation of the evolutionary history underlying the remarkable structures and biological activities of natural products has been complicated by not knowing the functions they have evolved to fulfill. Siderophores-soluble, low molecular weight compounds-have an easily understood and measured function: acquiring iron from the environment. Bacteria engage in a fierce competition to acquire iron, which rewards the production of siderophores that bind iron tightly and cannot be used or pirated by competitors. The structures and biosyntheses of "odd" siderophores can reveal the evolutionary strategy that led to their creation. We report a new Serratia strain that produces serratiochelin and an analog of serratiochelin. A genetic approach located the serratiochelin gene cluster, and targeted mutations in several genes implicated in serratiochelin biosynthesis were generated. Bioinformatic analyses and mutagenesis results demonstrate that genes from two well-known siderophore clusters, the Escherichia coli enterobactin cluster and the Vibrio cholera vibriobactin cluster, were shuffled to produce a new siderophore biosynthetic pathway. These results highlight how modular siderophore gene clusters can be mixed and matched during evolution to generate structural diversity in siderophores. Keywords Escherichia coli, Genes, Bacterial, Vibrio cholerae, Computational Biology, Mutation, Multigene Family, Siderophores, Serratia Journal J Am Chem Soc Volume 134 Issue 33 Pages 13550-3 Date Published 2012 Aug 22 ISSN Number 1520-5126 DOI 10.1021/ja304941d Alternate Journal J Am Chem Soc PMCID PMC3424848 PMID 22830960 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML