Metabolic excretion associated with nutrient-growth dysregulation promotes the rapid evolution of an overt metabolic defect. Author Robin Green, Lin Wang, Samuel Hart, Wenyun Lu, David Skelding, Justin Burton, Hanbing Mi, Aric Capel, Hung Chen, Aaron Lin, Arvind Subramaniam, Joshua Rabinowitz, Wenying Shou Publication Year 2020 Type Journal Article Abstract In eukaryotes, conserved mechanisms ensure that cell growth is coordinated with nutrient availability. Overactive growth during nutrient limitation ("nutrient-growth dysregulation") can lead to rapid cell death. Here, we demonstrate that cells can adapt to nutrient-growth dysregulation by evolving major metabolic defects. Specifically, when yeast lysine-auxotrophic mutant lys- encountered lysine limitation, an evolutionarily novel stress, cells suffered nutrient-growth dysregulation. A subpopulation repeatedly evolved to lose the ability to synthesize organosulfurs (lys-orgS-). Organosulfurs, mainly reduced glutathione (GSH) and GSH conjugates, were released by lys- cells during lysine limitation when growth was dysregulated, but not during glucose limitation when growth was regulated. Limiting organosulfurs conferred a frequency-dependent fitness advantage to lys-orgS- by eliciting a proper slow growth program, including autophagy. Thus, nutrient-growth dysregulation is associated with rapid organosulfur release, which enables the selection of organosulfur auxotrophy to better tune cell growth to the metabolic environment. We speculate that evolutionarily novel stresses can trigger atypical release of certain metabolites, setting the stage for the evolution of new ecological interactions. Keywords Stress, Physiological, Biological Evolution, Glucose, Adaptation, Physiological, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ribosomes, Metabolic Networks and Pathways, Lysine, Nitrogen, Autophagy, Nutrients, Sirolimus Journal PLoS Biol Volume 18 Issue 8 Pages e3000757 Date Published 2020 Aug ISSN Number 1545-7885 DOI 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000757 Alternate Journal PLoS Biol PMCID PMC7470746 PMID 32833957 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML