The mechanical world of bacteria. Author Alexandre Persat, Carey Nadell, Minyoung Kim, Francois Ingremeau, Albert Siryaporn, Knut Drescher, Ned Wingreen, Bonnie Bassler, Zemer Gitai, Howard Stone Publication Year 2015 Type Journal Article Abstract In the wild, bacteria are predominantly associated with surfaces as opposed to existing as free-swimming, isolated organisms. They are thus subject to surface-specific mechanics, including hydrodynamic forces, adhesive forces, the rheology of their surroundings, and transport rules that define their encounters with nutrients and signaling molecules. Here, we highlight the effects of mechanics on bacterial behaviors on surfaces at multiple length scales, from single bacteria to the development of multicellular bacterial communities such as biofilms. Keywords Escherichia coli, Bacterial Adhesion, Biofilms, Biological Transport, Biomechanical Phenomena, Locomotion, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Journal Cell Volume 161 Issue 5 Pages 988-997 Date Published 2015 May 21 ISSN Number 1097-4172 DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2015.05.005 Alternate Journal Cell PMCID PMC4451180 PMID 26000479 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML