Lights up on organelles: Optogenetic tools to control subcellular structure and organization. Author Therese Kichuk, César Carrasco-López, José Avalos Publication Year 2021 Type Journal Article Abstract Since the neurobiological inception of optogenetics, light-controlled molecular perturbations have been applied in many scientific disciplines to both manipulate and observe cellular function. Proteins exhibiting light-sensitive conformational changes provide researchers with avenues for spatiotemporal control over the cellular environment and serve as valuable alternatives to chemically inducible systems. Optogenetic approaches have been developed to target proteins to specific subcellular compartments, allowing for the manipulation of nuclear translocation and plasma membrane morphology. Additionally, these tools have been harnessed for molecular interrogation of organelle function, location, and dynamics. Optogenetic approaches offer novel ways to answer fundamental biological questions and to improve the efficiency of bioengineered cell factories by controlling the assembly of synthetic organelles. This review first provides a summary of available optogenetic systems with an emphasis on their organelle-specific utility. It then explores the strategies employed for organelle targeting and concludes by discussing our perspective on the future of optogenetics to control subcellular structure and organization. This article is categorized under: Metabolic Diseases > Molecular and Cellular Physiology. Keywords Cell Membrane, Proteins, Optogenetics, Organelles Journal WIREs Mech Dis Volume 13 Issue 1 Pages e1500 Date Published 2021 Jan ISSN Number 2692-9368 DOI 10.1002/wsbm.1500 Alternate Journal WIREs Mech Dis PMID 32715616 PubMedGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML