Impulsively Induced Jets from Viscoelastic Films for High-Resolution Printing. Author Emre Turkoz, Antonio Perazzo, Hyoungsoo Kim, Howard Stone, Craig Arnold Publication Year 2018 Type Journal Article Abstract Understanding jet formation from non-Newtonian fluids is important for improving the quality of various printing and dispensing techniques. Here, we use a laser-based nozzleless method to investigate impulsively formed jets of non-Newtonian fluids. Experiments with a time-resolved imaging setup demonstrate multiple regimes during jet formation that can result in zero, single, or multiple drops per laser pulse. These regimes depend on the ink thickness, ink rheology, and laser energy. For optimized printing, it is desirable to select parameters that result in a single-drop breakup; however, the strain-rate dependent rheology of these inks makes it challenging to determine these conditions a priori. Rather, we present a methodology for characterizing these regimes using dimensionless parameters evaluated from the process parameters and measured ink rheology that are obtained prior to printing and, so, offer a criterion for a single-drop breakup. Journal Phys Rev Lett Volume 120 Issue 7 Pages 074501 Date Published 2018 Feb 16 ISSN Number 1079-7114 DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.074501 Alternate Journal Phys Rev Lett PMID 29542955 PubMedGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML