Imaging developmental cell cycles. Author Abraham Kohrman, Rebecca Kim-Yip, Eszter Posfai Publication Year 2021 Type Journal Article Abstract The last decade has seen a major expansion in development of live biosensors, the tools needed to genetically encode them into model organisms, and the microscopic techniques used to visualize them. When combined, these offer us powerful tools with which to make fundamental discoveries about complex biological processes. In this review, we summarize the availability of biosensors to visualize an essential cellular process, the cell cycle, and the techniques for single-cell tracking and quantification of these reporters. We also highlight studies investigating the connection of cellular behavior to the cell cycle, particularly through live imaging, and anticipate exciting discoveries with the combination of these technologies in developmental contexts. Keywords Biosensing Techniques, Cell Cycle, Cell Tracking Journal Biophys J Volume 120 Issue 19 Pages 4149-4161 Date Published 2021 Oct 05 ISSN Number 1542-0086 DOI 10.1016/j.bpj.2021.04.035 Alternate Journal Biophys J PMCID PMC8516676 PMID 33964274 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML