Homeostatic Epidermal Stem Cell Self-Renewal Is Driven by Local Differentiation. Author Kailin Mesa, Kyogo Kawaguchi, Katie Cockburn, David Gonzalez, Jonathan Boucher, Tianchi Xin, Allon Klein, Valentina Greco Publication Year 2018 Type Journal Article Abstract Maintenance of adult tissues depends on sustained activity of resident stem cell populations, but the mechanisms that regulate stem cell self-renewal during homeostasis remain largely unknown. Using an imaging and tracking approach that captures all epidermal stem cell activity in large regions of living mice, we show that self-renewal is locally coordinated with epidermal differentiation, with a lag time of 1 to 2 days. In both homeostasis and upon experimental perturbation, we find that differentiation of a single stem cell is followed by division of a direct neighbor, but not vice versa. Finally, we show that exit from the stem cell compartment is sufficient to drive neighboring stem cell self-renewal. Together, these findings establish that epidermal stem cell self-renewal is not the constitutive driver of homeostasis. Instead, it is precisely tuned to tissue demand and responds directly to neighbor cell differentiation. Keywords Epidermis, fate coordination, Homeostasis, intravital imaging, Skin, Stem Cells Journal Cell stem cell Volume 23 Issue 5 Pages 677-686.e4 Date Published 11/2018 ISSN Number 1875-9777 DOI 10.1016/j.stem.2018.09.005 Alternate Journal Cell Stem Cell PMCID PMC6214709 PMID 30269903 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML