FNTM: a server for predicting functional networks of tissues in mouse. Author Jonathan Goya, Aaron Wong, Victoria Yao, Arjun Krishnan, Max Homilius, Olga Troyanskaya Publication Year 2015 Type Journal Article Abstract Functional Networks of Tissues in Mouse (FNTM) provides biomedical researchers with tissue-specific predictions of functional relationships between proteins in the most widely used model organism for human disease, the laboratory mouse. Users can explore FNTM-predicted functional relationships for their tissues and genes of interest or examine gene function and interaction predictions across multiple tissues, all through an interactive, multi-tissue network browser. FNTM makes predictions based on integration of a variety of functional genomic data, including over 13 000 gene expression experiments, and prior knowledge of gene function. FNTM is an ideal starting point for clinical and translational researchers considering a mouse model for their disease of interest, researchers already working with mouse models who are interested in discovering new genes related to their pathways or phenotypes of interest, and biologists working with other organisms to explore the functional relationships of their genes of interest in specific mouse tissue contexts. FNTM predicts tissue-specific functional relationships in 200 tissues, does not require any registration or installation and is freely available for use at http://fntm.princeton.edu. Keywords Animals, Mice, Internet, Gene Regulatory Networks, Software, Organ Specificity Journal Nucleic Acids Res Volume 43 Issue W1 Pages W182-7 Date Published 2015 Jul 01 ISSN Number 1362-4962 DOI 10.1093/nar/gkv443 Alternate Journal Nucleic Acids Res PMCID PMC4489275 PMID 25940632 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML