Flexible control of mutual inhibition: a neural model of two-interval discrimination. Author Christian Machens, Ranulfo Romo, Carlos Brody Publication Year 2005 Type Journal Article Abstract Networks adapt to environmental demands by switching between distinct dynamical behaviors. The activity of frontal-lobe neurons during two-interval discrimination tasks is an example of these adaptable dynamics. Subjects first perceive a stimulus, then hold it in working memory, and finally make a decision by comparing it with a second stimulus. We present a simple mutual-inhibition network model that captures all three task phases within a single framework. The model integrates both working memory and decision making because its dynamical properties are easily controlled without changing its connectivity. Mutual inhibition between nonlinear units is a useful design motif for networks that must display multiple behaviors. Keywords Animals, Decision Making, Models, Neurological, Neurons, Afferent, Prefrontal Cortex, Neurons, Algorithms, Memory, Psychomotor Performance, Nerve Net, Nonlinear Dynamics, Somatosensory Cortex, Cognition, Computer Simulation, Frontal Lobe, Macaca, Mathematics, Neural Inhibition, Discrimination, Psychological, Neural Networks, Computer Journal Science Volume 307 Issue 5712 Pages 1121-4 Date Published 2005 Feb 18 ISSN Number 1095-9203 DOI 10.1126/science.1104171 Alternate Journal Science PMID 15718474 PubMedGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML