Evaluating the Arrhenius equation for developmental processes. Author Joseph Crapse, Nishant Pappireddi, Meera Gupta, Stanislav Shvartsman, Eric Wieschaus, Martin Wühr Publication Year 2021 Type Journal Article Abstract The famous Arrhenius equation is well suited to describing the temperature dependence of chemical reactions but has also been used for complicated biological processes. Here, we evaluate how well the simple Arrhenius equation predicts complex multi-step biological processes, using frog and fruit fly embryogenesis as two canonical models. We find that the Arrhenius equation provides a good approximation for the temperature dependence of embryogenesis, even though individual developmental intervals scale differently with temperature. At low and high temperatures, however, we observed significant departures from idealized Arrhenius Law behavior. When we model multi-step reactions of idealized chemical networks, we are unable to generate comparable deviations from linearity. In contrast, we find the two enzymes GAPDH and β-galactosidase show non-linearity in the Arrhenius plot similar to our observations of embryonic development. Thus, we find that complex embryonic development can be well approximated by the simple Arrhenius equation regardless of non-uniform developmental scaling and propose that the observed departure from this law likely results more from non-idealized individual steps rather than from the complexity of the system. Keywords Temperature Journal Mol Syst Biol Volume 17 Issue 8 Pages e9895 Date Published 2021 Aug ISSN Number 1744-4292 DOI 10.15252/msb.20209895 Alternate Journal Mol Syst Biol PMCID PMC8377445 PMID 34414660 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML