Efficiency of information transmission by retinal ganglion cells. Author Kristin Koch, Judith McLean, Michael Berry, Peter Sterling, Vijay Balasubramanian, Michael Freed Publication Year 2004 Type Journal Article Abstract BACKGROUND: Different types of retinal ganglion cells convey different messages to the brain. Messages are in the form of spike patterns, and the number of possible patterns per second sets the coding capacity. We asked if different ganglion cell types make equally efficient use of their coding capacity or whether efficiency depends on the message conveyed.RESULTS: We recorded spike trains from retinal ganglion cells in an in vitro preparation of the guinea pig retina. By calculating, for the observed spike rate, the number of possible spike patterns per second, we calculated coding capacity, and by counting the actual number of patterns, we estimated information rate. Cells with "brisk" responses, i.e., high firing rates, and a general message transmitted information at high rates (21 +/- 9 bits s(-1)). Cells with "sluggish" responses, i.e., lower firing rates, and specific messages (direction of motion, local-edge) transmitted information at lower rates (13 +/- 7 bits s(-1)). Yet, for every type of ganglion cell examined, the information rate was about one-third of coding capacity. For every ganglion cell, information rate was very close (within 4%) to that predicted from Poisson noise and the cell's actual time-modulated rate.CONCLUSIONS: Different messages are transmitted with similar efficiency. Efficiency is limited by temporal correlations, but correlations may be essential to improve decoding in the presence of irreducible noise. Keywords Animals, Signal Transduction, Time Factors, Action Potentials, Models, Neurological, Synaptic Transmission, Photic Stimulation, Visual Perception, Electrophysiology, Guinea Pigs, Retinal Ganglion Cells Journal Curr Biol Volume 14 Issue 17 Pages 1523-30 Date Published 2004 Sep 07 ISSN Number 0960-9822 DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2004.08.060 Alternate Journal Curr Biol PMID 15341738 PubMedGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML