Effect of Hydrodynamic Interactions on Reaction Rates in Membranes. Author Naomi Oppenheimer, Howard Stone Publication Year 2017 Type Journal Article Abstract The Brownian motion of two particles in three dimensions serves as a model for predicting the diffusion-limited reaction rate, as first discussed by von Smoluchowski. Deutch and Felderhof extended the calculation to account for hydrodynamic interactions between the particles and the target, which results in a reduction of the rate coefficient by about half. Many chemical reactions take place in quasi-two-dimensional systems, such as on the membrane or surface of a cell. We perform a Smoluchowski-like calculation in a quasi-two-dimensional geometry, i.e., a membrane surrounded by fluid, and account for hydrodynamic interactions between the particles. We show that rate coefficients are reduced relative to the case of no interactions. The reduction is more pronounced than the three-dimensional case due to the long-range nature of two-dimensional flows. Keywords Models, Molecular, Kinetics, Cell Membrane, Hydrodynamics, Diffusion, Models, Chemical Journal Biophys J Volume 113 Issue 2 Pages 440-447 Date Published 2017 Jul 25 ISSN Number 1542-0086 DOI 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.06.013 Alternate Journal Biophys J PMCID PMC5529315 PMID 28746854 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML