Decoding type I and III interferon signalling during viral infection. Author Emily Mesev, Robert LeDesma, Alexander Ploss Publication Year 2019 Type Journal Article Abstract Interferon (IFN)-mediated antiviral responses are central to host defence against viral infection. Despite the existence of at least 20 IFNs, there are only three known cell surface receptors. IFN signalling and viral evasion mechanisms form an immensely complex network that differs across species. In this Review, we begin by highlighting some of the advances that have been made towards understanding the complexity of differential IFN signalling inputs and outputs that contribute to antiviral defences. Next, we explore some of the ways viruses can interfere with, or circumvent, these defences. Lastly, we address the largely under-reviewed impact of IFN signalling on host tropism, and we offer perspectives on the future of research into IFN signalling complexity and viral evasion across species. Keywords Animals, Humans, Signal Transduction, Gene Expression Regulation, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Immunity, Innate, Interferons, Interferon Type I, Immune Evasion, Virus Diseases, Tropism, Viruses, Antiviral Agents, Interferon Lambda Journal Nat Microbiol Volume 4 Issue 6 Pages 914-924 Date Published 2019 Jun ISSN Number 2058-5276 DOI 10.1038/s41564-019-0421-x Alternate Journal Nat Microbiol PMCID PMC6554024 PMID 30936491 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML