Coordinating Cell Cycle Remodeling with Transcriptional Activation at the Drosophila MBT. Author Shelby Blythe, Eric Wieschaus Publication Year 2015 Type Journal Article Abstract During the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT), major changes in cell cycle regulation coincide with large-scale zygotic genome activation. In this chapter, we discuss the current understanding of how the cell cycle is remodeled over the course of the Drosophila MZT, and how the temporal precision of this event is linked to contemporaneous alterations in genome-wide chromatin structure and transcriptional activity. The cell cycle is initially lengthened during the MZT by activation of the DNA replication checkpoint but, subsequently, zygotically supplied factors are essential for establishing lasting modifications to the cell cycle. Keywords Animals, Drosophila melanogaster, Blastula, Cell Cycle, Genome, Insect, Transcriptional Activation, Zygote Journal Curr Top Dev Biol Volume 113 Pages 113-48 Date Published 2015 ISSN Number 1557-8933 DOI 10.1016/bs.ctdb.2015.06.002 Alternate Journal Curr Top Dev Biol PMID 26358872 PubMedGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML