Convergent deployment of ancestral functions during the evolution of mammalian flight membranes. Author Charles Feigin, Jorge Moreno, Raul Ramos, Sarah Mereby, Ares Alivisatos, Wei Wang, Renée van Amerongen, Jasmin Camacho, John Rasweiler, Richard Behringer, Bruce Ostrow, Maksim Plikus, Ricardo Mallarino Publication Year 2023 Type Journal Article Abstract Lateral flight membranes, or patagia, have evolved repeatedly in diverse mammalian lineages. While little is known about patagium development, its recurrent evolution may suggest a shared molecular basis. By combining transcriptomics, developmental experiments, and mouse transgenics, we demonstrate that lateral expression in the marsupial sugar glider () promotes the differentiation of its patagium primordium. We further show that this function of reprises ancestral roles in skin morphogenesis predating mammalian flight and has been convergently used during patagium evolution in eutherian bats. Moreover, we find that many genes involved in limb development have been redeployed during patagium outgrowth in both the sugar glider and bat. Together, our findings reveal that deeply conserved genetic toolkits contribute to the evolutionary transition to flight in mammals. Keywords Animals, Mice, Biological Evolution, Mammals, Mice, Transgenic, Organogenesis, Marsupialia, Sugars, Chiroptera Journal Sci Adv Volume 9 Issue 12 Pages eade7511 Date Published 2023 Mar 24 ISSN Number 2375-2548 DOI 10.1126/sciadv.ade7511 Alternate Journal Sci Adv PMCID PMC10038344 PMID 36961889 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML