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1.Yan J, Nadell C, Bassler B. Environmental fluctuation governs selection for plasticity in biofilm production. ISME J. 2017;11(7):1569–1577. PMCID: PMC5520152 Reference Link
1.Nadell C, Ricaurte D, Yan J, Drescher K, Bassler B. Flow environment and matrix structure interact to determine spatial competition in biofilms. Elife. 2017;6. PMCID: PMC5283829 Reference Link
1.Nadell C, Bassler B, Levin S. Observing bacteria through the lens of social evolution. J Biol. 2008;7(7):27. PMCID: PMC2776406 Reference Link
1.Nadell C, Bucci V, Drescher K, Levin S, Bassler B, Xavier J. Cutting through the complexity of cell collectives. Proc Biol Sci. 2013;280(1755):20122770. PMCID: PMC3574390 Reference Link
1.Drescher K, Nadell C, Stone H, Wingreen N, Bassler B. Solutions to the public goods dilemma in bacterial biofilms. Curr Biol. 2014;24(1):50–55. PMCID: PMC3935403 Reference Link
1.Schluter J, Nadell C, Bassler B, Foster K. Adhesion as a weapon in microbial competition. ISME J. 2015;9(1):139–49. PMCID: PMC4268496 Reference Link
1.Nadell C, Drescher K, Wingreen N, Bassler B. Extracellular matrix structure governs invasion resistance in bacterial biofilms. ISME J. 2015;9(8):1700–9. PMCID: PMC4511925 Reference Link
1.Persat A, Nadell C, Kim M, Ingremeau F, Siryaporn A, Drescher K, Wingreen N, Bassler B, Gitai Z, Stone H. The mechanical world of bacteria. Cell. 2015;161(5):988–997. PMCID: PMC4451180 Reference Link
1.Drescher K, Dunkel J, Nadell C, van Teeffelen S, Grnja I, Wingreen N, Stone H, Bassler B. Architectural transitions in Vibrio cholerae biofilms at single-cell resolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016;113(14):E2066–72. PMCID: PMC4833255 Reference Link