1.Zhang Y, Hughson F. Chaperoning SNARE Folding and Assembly. Annu Rev Biochem. 2021;90:581–603. PMCID: PMC8900292 Reference Link
1.He S, Chou H-T, Matthies D, Wunder T, Meyer M, Atkinson N, Martinez-Sanchez A, Jeffrey P, Port S, Patena W, He G, Chen V, Hughson F, McCormick A, Mueller-Cajar O, Engel B, Yu Z, Jonikas M. The structural basis of Rubisco phase separation in the pyrenoid. Nat Plants. 2020;6(12):1480–1490. PMCID: PMC7736253 Reference Link
1.Wong S, Hepowit N, Port S, Yau R, Peng Y, Azad N, Habib A, Harpaz N, Schuldiner M, Hughson F, MacGurn J, Weisman L. Cargo Release from Myosin V Requires the Convergence of Parallel Pathways that Phosphorylate and Ubiquitylate the Cargo Adaptor. Curr Biol. 2020;30(22):4399–4412.e7. PMCID: PMC8025699 Reference Link
1.Eisemann T, Allen F, Lau K, Shimamura G, Jeffrey P, Hughson F. The Sec1/Munc18 protein Vps45 holds the Qa-SNARE Tlg2 in an open conformation. Elife. 2020;9. PMCID: PMC7470827 Reference Link
1.Travis S, DAmico K, Yu I-M, McMahon C, Hamid S, Ramirez-Arellano G, Jeffrey P, Hughson F. Structural basis for the binding of SNAREs to the multisubunit tethering complex Dsl1. J Biol Chem. 2020;295(30):10125–10135. PMCID: PMC7383367 Reference Link
1.Travis S, Kokona B, Fairman R, Hughson F. Roles of singleton tryptophan motifs in COPI coat stability and vesicle tethering. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019;116(48):24031–24040. PMCID: PMC6883825 Reference Link
1.Brose N, Brunger A, Cafiso D, Chapman E, Diao J, Hughson F, Jackson M, Jahn R, Lindau M, Ma C, Rizo J, Shin Y-K, Söllner T, Tamm L, Yoon T-Y, Zhang Y. Synaptic vesicle fusion: today and beyond. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2019;26(8):663–668. PMID: 31384060 Reference Link
1.Jiao J, He M, Port S, Baker R, Xu Y, Qu H, Xiong Y, Wang Y, Jin H, Eisemann T, Hughson F, Zhang Y. Munc18-1 catalyzes neuronal SNARE assembly by templating SNARE association. Elife. 2018;7. PMCID: PMC6320071 Reference Link
1.Paczkowski J, McCready A, Cong J-P, Li Z, Jeffrey P, Smith C, Henke B, Hughson F, Bassler B. An Autoinducer Analogue Reveals an Alternative Mode of Ligand Binding for the LasR Quorum-Sensing Receptor. ACS Chem Biol. 2019;14(3):378–389. PMCID: PMC6601336 Reference Link
1.Baker R, Hughson F. Chaperoning SNARE assembly and disassembly. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2016;17(8):465–79. PMCID: PMC5471617 Reference Link
1.Ha J, Chou H-T, Ungar D, Yip C, Walz T, Hughson F. Molecular architecture of the complete COG tethering complex. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2016;23(8):758–60. PMCID: PMC4972656 Reference Link
1.Boyaci H, Shah T, Hurley A, Kokona B, Li Z, Ventocilla C, Jeffrey P, Semmelhack M, Fairman R, Bassler B, Hughson F. Structure, Regulation, and Inhibition of the Quorum-Sensing Signal Integrator LuxO. PLoS Biol. 2016;14(5):e1002464. PMCID: PMC4878744 Reference Link
1.Bharucha N, Liu Y, Papanikou E, McMahon C, Esaki M, Jeffrey P, Hughson F, Glick B. Sec16 influences transitional ER sites by regulating rather than organizing COPII. Mol Biol Cell. 2013;24(21):3406–19. PMCID: PMC3814151 Reference Link
1.Ha J, Pokrovskaya I, Climer L, Shimamura G, Kudlyk T, Jeffrey P, Lupashin V, Hughson F. Cog5-Cog7 crystal structure reveals interactions essential for the function of a multisubunit tethering complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014;111(44):15762–7. PMCID: PMC4226102 Reference Link
1.Baker R, Jeffrey P, Zick M, Phillips B, Wickner W, Hughson F. A direct role for the Sec1/Munc18-family protein Vps33 as a template for SNARE assembly. Science. 2015;349(6252):1111–4. PMCID: PMC4727825 Reference Link
1.Suckling R, Poon P, Travis S, Majoul I, Hughson F, Evans P, Duden R, Owen D. Structural basis for the binding of tryptophan-based motifs by δ-COP. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015;112(46):14242–7. PMCID: PMC4655537 Reference Link
1.Rogers J, McMahon C, Baryshnikova A, Hughson F, Rose M. ER-associated retrograde SNAREs and the Dsl1 complex mediate an alternative, Sey1p-independent homotypic ER fusion pathway. Mol Biol Cell. 2014;25(21):3401–12. PMCID: PMC4214786 Reference Link
1.Chen X, Schauder S, Potier N, Van Dorsselaer A, Pelczer I, Bassler B, Hughson F. Structural identification of a bacterial quorum-sensing signal containing boron. Nature. 2002;415(6871):545–9. PMID: 11823863 Reference Link
1.Miller S, Xavier K, Campagna S, Taga M, Semmelhack M, Bassler B, Hughson F. Salmonella typhimurium recognizes a chemically distinct form of the bacterial quorum-sensing signal AI-2. Mol Cell. 2004;15(5):677–87. PMID: 15350213 Reference Link
1.Neiditch M, Federle M, Miller S, Bassler B, Hughson F. Regulation of LuxPQ receptor activity by the quorum-sensing signal autoinducer-2. Mol Cell. 2005;18(5):507–18. PMID: 15916958 Reference Link
1.Neiditch M, Federle M, Pompeani A, Kelly R, Swem D, Jeffrey P, Bassler B, Hughson F. Ligand-induced asymmetry in histidine sensor kinase complex regulates quorum sensing. Cell. 2006;126(6):1095–108. PMCID: PMC3468944 Reference Link
1.Kelly R, Bolitho M, Higgins D, Lu W, Ng W-L, Jeffrey P, Rabinowitz J, Semmelhack M, Hughson F, Bassler B. The Vibrio cholerae quorum-sensing autoinducer CAI-1: analysis of the biosynthetic enzyme CqsA. Nat Chem Biol. 2009;5(12):891–5. PMCID: PMC2847429 Reference Link
1.Chen G, Swem L, Swem D, Stauff D, O’Loughlin C, Jeffrey P, Bassler B, Hughson F. A strategy for antagonizing quorum sensing. Mol Cell. 2011;42(2):199–209. PMCID: PMC3092643 Reference Link