1.Yates J, Cristea I, Dong M-Q, Eyers C, LaBaer J, Li J, Nicholson J, Overall C, Palmblad M, Slavov N. Want to Publish in ? This Is What You Need to Know!. J Proteome Res. 2022;21(12):2837–2839. PMID: 36373910 Reference Link
1.Omenn G, Lane L, Overall C, Pineau C, Packer N, Cristea I, Lindskog C, Weintraub S, Orchard S, Roehrl M, Nice E, Liu S, Bandeira N, Chen Y-J, Guo T, Aebersold R, Moritz R, Deutsch E. The 2022 Report on the Human Proteome from the HUPO Human Proteome Project. J Proteome Res. 2023;22(4):1024–1042. PMCID: PMC10081950 Reference Link
1.Taylor I, Murray-Nerger L, Greco T, Liu D, Cristea I, Bassler B. Protein Interaction Networks of Catalytically Active and Catalytically Inactive PqsE in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. mBio. 2022;13(5):e0155922. PMCID: PMC9600345 Reference Link
1.Kennedy M, Greco T, Song B, Cristea I. HTT-OMNI: A Web-based Platform for Huntingtin Interaction Exploration and Multi-omics Data Integration. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2022;21(10):100275. PMCID: PMC9540350 Reference Link
1.Cook K, Tsopurashvili E, Needham J, Thompson S, Cristea I. Restructured membrane contacts rewire organelles for human cytomegalovirus infection. Nat Commun. 2022;13(1):4720. PMCID: PMC9366835 Reference Link
1.Justice J, Cristea I. Nuclear antiviral innate responses at the intersection of DNA sensing and DNA repair. Trends Microbiol. 2022;30(11):1056–1071. PMCID: PMC9560981 Reference Link
1.Howard T, Lum K, Kennedy M, Cristea I. The Nuclear DNA Sensor IFI16 Indiscriminately Binds to and Diminishes Accessibility of the HSV-1 Genome to Suppress Infection. mSystems. 2022;7(3):e0019822. PMCID: PMC9239196 Reference Link
1.Serrero M, Girault V, Weigang S, Greco T, Ramos-Nascimento A, Anderson F, Piras A, Martinez A, Hertzog J, Binz A, Pohlmann A, Prank U, Rehwinkel J, Bauerfeind R, Cristea I, Pichlmair A, Kochs G, Sodeik B. The interferon-inducible GTPase MxB promotes capsid disassembly and genome release of herpesviruses. Elife. 2022;11. PMCID: PMC9150894 Reference Link
1.Kennedy M, Tyl M, Betsinger C, Federspiel J, Sheng X, Arbuckle J, Kristie T, Cristea I. A TRUSTED targeted mass spectrometry assay for pan-herpesvirus protein detection. Cell Rep. 2022;39(6):110810. PMCID: PMC9245836 Reference Link
1.Robbe Z, Shi W, Wasson L, Scialdone A, Wilczewski C, Sheng X, Hepperla A, Akerberg B, Pu W, Cristea I, Davis I, Conlon F. CHD4 is recruited by GATA4 and NKX2-5 to repress noncardiac gene programs in the developing heart. Genes Dev. 2022;36(7-8):468–482. PMCID: PMC9067406 Reference Link
1.Greco T, Secker C, Ramos E, Federspiel J, Liu J-P, Perez A, Al-Ramahi I, Cantle J, Carroll J, Botas J, Zeitlin S, Wanker E, Cristea I. Dynamics of huntingtin protein interactions in the striatum identifies candidate modifiers of Huntington disease. Cell Syst. 2022;13(4):304–320.e5. PMCID: PMC9317655 Reference Link
1.Tyl M, Betsinger C, Cristea I. Virus-host protein interactions as footprints of human cytomegalovirus replication. Curr Opin Virol. 2022;52:135–147. PMCID: PMC8844139 Reference Link
1.Omenn G, Lane L, Overall C, Paik Y-K, Cristea I, Corrales F, Lindskog C, Weintraub S, Roehrl M, Liu S, Bandeira N, Srivastava S, Chen Y-J, Aebersold R, Moritz R, Deutsch E. Progress Identifying and Analyzing the Human Proteome: 2021 Metrics from the HUPO Human Proteome Project. J Proteome Res. 2021;20(12):5227–5240. PMCID: PMC9340669 Reference Link
1.Shi W, Sheng X, Dorr K, Hutton J, Emerson J, Davies H, Andrade T, Wasson L, Greco T, Hashimoto Y, Federspiel J, Robbe Z, Chen X, Arnold A, Cristea I, Conlon F. Cardiac proteomics reveals sex chromosome-dependent differences between males and females that arise prior to gonad formation. Dev Cell. 2021;56(21):3019–3034.e7. PMCID: PMC9290207 Reference Link
1.Christopher J, Stadler C, Martin C, Morgenstern M, Pan Y, Betsinger C, Rattray D, Mahdessian D, Gingras A-C, Warscheid B, Lehtiö J, Cristea I, Foster L, Emili A, Lilley K. Subcellular proteomics. Nat Rev Methods Primers. 2021;1. PMCID: PMC8451152 Reference Link
1.Betsinger C, Jankowski C, Hofstadter W, Federspiel J, Otter C, Beltran P, Cristea I. The human cytomegalovirus protein pUL13 targets mitochondrial cristae architecture to increase cellular respiration during infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021;118(32). PMCID: PMC8364163 Reference Link
1.Howard T, Crow M, Greco T, Lum K, Li T, Cristea I. The DNA Sensor IFIX Drives Proteome Alterations To Mobilize Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Antiviral Responses, with Its Acetylation Acting as a Localization Toggle. mSystems. 2021;6(3):e0039721. PMCID: PMC8269231 Reference Link
1.Murray-Nerger L, Cristea I. Lamin post-translational modifications: emerging toggles of nuclear organization and function. Trends Biochem Sci. 2021;46(10):832–847. PMCID: PMC8793286 Reference Link
1.Justice J, Kennedy M, Hutton J, Liu D, Song B, Phelan B, Cristea I. Systematic profiling of protein complex dynamics reveals DNA-PK phosphorylation of IFI16 en route to herpesvirus immunity. Sci Adv. 2021;7(25). PMCID: PMC8213230 Reference Link
1.Song B, Liu D, Greco T, Cristea I. Post-translational modification control of viral DNA sensors and innate immune signaling. Adv Virus Res. 2021;109:163–199. PMCID: PMC8489191 Reference Link
1.Sheng X, Cristea I. The antiviral sirtuin 3 bridges protein acetylation to mitochondrial integrity and metabolism during human cytomegalovirus infection. PLoS Pathog. 2021;17(4):e1009506. PMCID: PMC8078788 Reference Link
1.Esposito M, Fang C, Cook K, Park N, Wei Y, Spadazzi C, Bracha D, Gunaratna R, Laevsky G, DeCoste C, Slabodkin H, Brangwynne C, Cristea I, Kang Y. TGF-β-induced DACT1 biomolecular condensates repress Wnt signalling to promote bone metastasis. Nat Cell Biol. 2021;23(3):257–267. PMCID: PMC7970447 Reference Link
1.Lum K, Cristea I. Host Innate Immune Response and Viral Immune Evasion During Alphaherpesvirus Infection. Curr Issues Mol Biol. 2021;42:635–686. PMCID: PMC8301600 Reference Link
1.Murray-Nerger L, Justice J, Rekapalli P, Hutton J, Cristea I. Lamin B1 acetylation slows the G1 to S cell cycle transition through inhibition of DNA repair. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021;49(4):2044–2064. PMCID: PMC7913768 Reference Link
1.Tanneti N, Federspiel J, Cristea I, Enquist L. The axonal sorting activity of pseudorabies virus Us9 protein depends on the state of neuronal maturation. PLoS Pathog. 2020;16(12):e1008861. PMCID: PMC7794026 Reference Link
1.Howard T, Cristea I. Interrogating Host Antiviral Environments Driven by Nuclear DNA Sensing: A Multiomic Perspective. Biomolecules. 2020;10(12). PMCID: PMC7761228 Reference Link
1.Omenn G, Lane L, Overall C, Cristea I, Corrales F, Lindskog C, Paik Y-K, Van Eyk J, Liu S, Pennington S, Snyder M, Baker M, Bandeira N, Aebersold R, Moritz R, Deutsch E. Research on the Human Proteome Reaches a Major Milestone: >90% of Predicted Human Proteins Now Credibly Detected, According to the HUPO Human Proteome Project. J Proteome Res. 2020;19(12):4735–4746. PMCID: PMC7718309 Reference Link
1.Adhikari S, Nice E, Deutsch E, Lane L, Omenn G, Pennington S, Paik Y-K, Overall C, Corrales F, Cristea I, Van Eyk J, Uhlén M, Lindskog C, Chan D, Bairoch A, Waddington J, Justice J, LaBaer J, Rodriguez H, He F, Kostrzewa M, Ping P, Gundry R, Stewart P, Srivastava S, Srivastava S, Nogueira F, Domont G, Vandenbrouck Y, P Y Lam M, Wennersten S, Vizcaino J, Wilkins M, Schwenk J, Lundberg E, Bandeira N, Marko-Varga G, Weintraub S, Pineau C, Kusebauch U, Moritz R, Ahn S, Palmblad M, Snyder M, Aebersold R, Baker M. A high-stringency blueprint of the human proteome. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):5301. PMCID: PMC7568584 Reference Link
1.Federspiel J, Cook K, Kennedy M, Venkatesh S, Otter C, Hofstadter W, Beltran P, Cristea I. Mitochondria and Peroxisome Remodeling across Cytomegalovirus Infection Time Viewed through the Lens of Inter-ViSTA. Cell Rep. 2020;32(4):107943. PMCID: PMC8489195 Reference Link
1.Betsinger C, Cristea I. Mitochondrial Function, Metabolic Regulation, and Human Disease Viewed through the Prism of Sirtuin 4 (SIRT4) Functions. J Proteome Res. 2019;18(5):1929–1938. PMCID: PMC6889813 Reference Link
1.Kennedy M, Hofstadter W, Cristea I. TRANSPIRE: A Computational Pipeline to Elucidate Intracellular Protein Movements from Spatial Proteomics Data Sets. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2020;31(7):1422–1439. PMCID: PMC7737664 Reference Link
1.Song B, Greco T, Lum K, Taber C, Cristea I. The DNA Sensor cGAS is Decorated by Acetylation and Phosphorylation Modifications in the Context of Immune Signaling. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2020;19(7):1193–1208. PMCID: PMC7338091 Reference Link
1.Kinoshita N, Hashimoto Y, Yasue N, Suzuki M, Cristea I, Ueno N. Mechanical Stress Regulates Epithelial Tissue Integrity and Stiffness through the FGFR/Erk2 Signaling Pathway during Embryogenesis. Cell Rep. 2020;30(11):3875–3888.e3. PMID: 32187556 Reference Link
1.Hartenian E, Gilbertson S, Federspiel J, Cristea I, Glaunsinger B. RNA decay during gammaherpesvirus infection reduces RNA polymerase II occupancy of host promoters but spares viral promoters. PLoS Pathog. 2020;16(2):e1008269. PMCID: PMC7032723 Reference Link
1.Greco T, Kennedy M, Cristea I. Proteomic Technologies for Deciphering Local and Global Protein Interactions. Trends Biochem Sci. 2020;45(5):454–455. PMID: 32035732 Reference Link
1.Hashimoto Y, Sheng X, Murray-Nerger L, Cristea I. Temporal dynamics of protein complex formation and dissociation during human cytomegalovirus infection. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):806. PMCID: PMC7010728 Reference Link
1.Cook K, Moreno J, Beltran P, Cristea I. Peroxisome Plasticity at the Virus-Host Interface. Trends Microbiol. 2019;27(11):906–914. PMCID: PMC6857447 Reference Link
1.Lum K, Howard T, Pan C, Cristea I. Charge-Mediated Pyrin Oligomerization Nucleates Antiviral IFI16 Sensing of Herpesvirus DNA. mBio. 2019;10(4). PMCID: PMC6650555 Reference Link
1.Howard T, Song B, Cristea I. Workflows and considerations for investigating protein interactions of viral DNA sensors. Methods Enzymol. 2019;625:309–338. PMCID: PMC6889811 Reference Link
1.Federspiel J, Tandon P, Wilczewski C, Wasson L, Herring L, Venkatesh S, Cristea I, Conlon F. Conservation and divergence of protein pathways in the vertebrate heart. PLoS Biol. 2019;17(9):e3000437. PMCID: PMC6750614 Reference Link
1.Murray L, Combs A, Rekapalli P, Cristea I. Methods for characterizing protein acetylation during viral infection. Methods Enzymol. 2019;626:587–620. PMCID: PMC6889803 Reference Link
1.Hashimoto Y, Greco T, Cristea I. Contribution of Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics to Discoveries in Developmental Biology. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019;1140:143–154. PMID: 31347046 Reference Link
1.Durán A, Greco T, Vollmer B, Cristea I, Grünewald K, Topf M. Protein interactions and consensus clustering analysis uncover insights into herpesvirus virion structure and function relationships. PLoS Biol. 2019;17(6):e3000316. PMCID: PMC6594648 Reference Link
1.Cristea I, Dorrestein P, Eisen J, Gilbert J, Huber J, Jansson J, Knight R, Pollard K, Raes J, Silver P, Webster N, Xu J. Early-Career Scientists Shaping the World. mSystems. 2019;4(3). PMCID: PMC6533378 Reference Link
1.Federspiel J, Cristea I. Considerations for Identifying Endogenous Protein Complexes from Tissue via Immunoaffinity Purification and Quantitative Mass Spectrometry. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1977:115–143. PMID: 30980326 Reference Link
1.Federspiel J, Greco T, Lum K, Cristea I. Hdac4 Interactions in Huntington’s Disease Viewed Through the Prism of Multiomics. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2019;18(8 suppl 1):S92-S113. PMCID: PMC6692770 Reference Link
1.Esposito M, Mondal N, Greco T, Wei Y, Spadazzi C, Lin S-C, Zheng H, Cheung C, Magnani J, Lin S-H, Cristea I, Sackstein R, Kang Y. Bone vascular niche E-selectin induces mesenchymal-epithelial transition and Wnt activation in cancer cells to promote bone metastasis. Nat Cell Biol. 2019;21(5):627–639. PMCID: PMC6556210 Reference Link
1.Hashimoto Y, Kinoshita N, Greco T, Federspiel J, Beltran P, Ueno N, Cristea I. Mechanical Force Induces Phosphorylation-Mediated Signaling that Underlies Tissue Response and Robustness in Xenopus Embryos. Cell Syst. 2019;8(3):226–241.e7. PMCID: PMC6453581 Reference Link
1.Cristea I, Lilley K. Editorial overview: Untangling proteome organization in space and time. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 2019;48:A1-A4. PMID: 30782346 Reference Link
1.Carabetta V, Greco T, Cristea I, Dubnau D. YfmK is an N-lysine acetyltransferase that directly acetylates the histone-like protein HBsu in . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019;116(9):3752–3757. PMCID: PMC6397556 Reference Link