1.Keenan S, Blythe S, Marmion R, Djabrayan N, Wieschaus E, Shvartsman S. Rapid Dynamics of Signal-Dependent Transcriptional Repression by Capicua. Dev Cell. 2020;52(6):794–801.e4. PMCID: PMC7161736 Reference Link
1.Hannon C, Blythe S, Wieschaus E. Concentration dependent chromatin states induced by the bicoid morphogen gradient. Elife. 2017;6. PMCID: PMC5624782 Reference Link
1.Blythe S, Wieschaus E. Establishment and maintenance of heritable chromatin structure during early embryogenesis. Elife. 2016;5. PMCID: PMC5156528 Reference Link
1.Di Talia S, She R, Blythe S, Lu X, Zhang Q, Wieschaus E. Posttranslational control of Cdc25 degradation terminates Drosophila’s early cell-cycle program. Curr Biol. 2013;23(2):127–32. PMCID: PMC3622868 Reference Link
1.Blythe S, Wieschaus E. Coordinating Cell Cycle Remodeling with Transcriptional Activation at the Drosophila MBT. Curr Top Dev Biol. 2015;113:113–48. PMID: 26358872 Reference Link