Concentration dependent chromatin states induced by the bicoid morphogen gradient. Author Colleen Hannon, Shelby Blythe, Eric Wieschaus Publication Year 2017 Type Journal Article Abstract In , graded expression of the maternal transcription factor Bicoid (Bcd) provides positional information to activate target genes at different positions along the anterior-posterior axis. We have measured the genome-wide binding profile of Bcd using ChIP-seq in embryos expressing single, uniform levels of Bcd protein, and grouped Bcd-bound targets into four classes based on occupancy at different concentrations. By measuring the biochemical affinity of target enhancers in these classes in vitro and genome-wide chromatin accessibility by ATAC-seq, we found that the occupancy of target sequences by Bcd is not primarily determined by Bcd binding sites, but by chromatin context. Bcd drives an open chromatin state at a subset of its targets. Our data support a model where Bcd influences chromatin structure to gain access to concentration-sensitive targets at high concentrations, while concentration-insensitive targets are found in more accessible chromatin and are bound at low concentrations. This may be a common property of developmental transcription factors that must gain early access to their target enhancers while the chromatin state of the genome is being remodeled during large-scale transitions in the gene regulatory landscape. Keywords Trans-Activators, Animals, Drosophila, Drosophila Proteins, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, Protein Binding, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental, Homeodomain Proteins, Chromatin Journal Elife Volume 6 Date Published 2017 Sep 11 ISSN Number 2050-084X DOI 10.7554/eLife.28275 Alternate Journal Elife PMCID PMC5624782 PMID 28891464 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML