Competing Protein-RNA Interaction Networks Control Multiphase Intracellular Organization. Author David Sanders, Nancy Kedersha, Daniel Lee, Amy Strom, Victoria Drake, Joshua Riback, Dan Bracha, Jorine Eeftens, Allana Iwanicki, Alicia Wang, Ming-Tzo Wei, Gena Whitney, Shawn Lyons, Paul Anderson, William Jacobs, Pavel Ivanov, Clifford Brangwynne Publication Year 2020 Type Journal Article Abstract Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) mediates formation of membraneless condensates such as those associated with RNA processing, but the rules that dictate their assembly, substructure, and coexistence with other liquid-like compartments remain elusive. Here, we address the biophysical mechanism of this multiphase organization using quantitative reconstitution of cytoplasmic stress granules (SGs) with attached P-bodies in human cells. Protein-interaction networks can be viewed as interconnected complexes (nodes) of RNA-binding domains (RBDs), whose integrated RNA-binding capacity determines whether LLPS occurs upon RNA influx. Surprisingly, both RBD-RNA specificity and disordered segments of key proteins are non-essential, but modulate multiphase condensation. Instead, stoichiometry-dependent competition between protein networks for connecting nodes determines SG and P-body composition and miscibility, while competitive binding of unconnected proteins disengages networks and prevents LLPS. Inspired by patchy colloid theory, we propose a general framework by which competing networks give rise to compositionally specific and tunable condensates, while relative linkage between nodes underlies multiphase organization. Keywords Humans, RNA, Cell Line, Tumor, Biophysical Phenomena, Cytoplasmic Granules, Cytoplasm, Protein Interaction Maps, Organelles, Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, RNA Recognition Motif Proteins, Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Cytoplasmic Structures Journal Cell Volume 181 Issue 2 Pages 306-324.e28 Date Published 2020 Apr 16 ISSN Number 1097-4172 DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2020.03.050 Alternate Journal Cell PMCID PMC7816278 PMID 32302570 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML