Climate and Urbanization Drive Mosquito Preference for Humans. Author Noah Rose, Massamba Sylla, Athanase Badolo, Joel Lutomiah, Diego Ayala, Ogechukwu Aribodor, Nnenna Ibe, Jewelna Akorli, Sampson Otoo, John-Paul Mutebi, Alexis Kriete, Eliza Ewing, Rosemary Sang, Andrea Gloria-Soria, Jeffrey Powell, Rachel Baker, Bradley White, Jacob Crawford, Carolyn McBride Publication Year 2020 Type Journal Article Abstract The majority of mosquito-borne illness is spread by a few mosquito species that have evolved to specialize in biting humans, yet the precise causes of this behavioral shift are poorly understood. We address this gap in the arboviral vector Aedes aegypti. We first collect and characterize the behavior of mosquitoes from 27 sites scattered across the species' ancestral range in sub-Saharan Africa, revealing previously unrecognized variation in preference for human versus animal odor. We then use modeling to show that over 80% of this variation can be predicted by two ecological factors-dry season intensity and human population density. Finally, we integrate this information with whole-genome sequence data from 375 individual mosquitoes to identify a single underlying ancestry component linked to human preference. Genetic changes associated with human specialist ancestry were concentrated in a few chromosomal regions. Our findings suggest that human-biting in this important disease vector originally evolved as a by-product of breeding in human-stored water in areas where doing so provided the only means to survive the long, hot dry season. Our model also predicts that the rapid urbanization currently taking place in Africa will drive further mosquito evolution, causing a shift toward human-biting in many large cities by 2050. Keywords Animals, Humans, Population Density, Female, Male, Genome, Insect, Genetics, Population, Aedes, Insect Proteins, Africa, Mosquito Vectors, Insect Bites and Stings, Cities, Climate, Urbanization Journal Curr Biol Volume 30 Issue 18 Pages 3570-3579.e6 Date Published 2020 Sep 21 ISSN Number 1879-0445 DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2020.06.092 Alternate Journal Curr Biol PMCID PMC7511451 PMID 32707056 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML