Cargo Release from Myosin V Requires the Convergence of Parallel Pathways that Phosphorylate and Ubiquitylate the Cargo Adaptor. Author Sara Wong, Nathaniel Hepowit, Sarah Port, Richard Yau, Yutian Peng, Nadia Azad, Alim Habib, Nofar Harpaz, Maya Schuldiner, Frederick Hughson, Jason MacGurn, Lois Weisman Publication Year 2020 Type Journal Article Abstract Cellular function requires molecular motors to transport cargoes to their correct intracellular locations. The regulated assembly and disassembly of motor-adaptor complexes ensures that cargoes are loaded at their origin and unloaded at their destination. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, early in the cell cycle, a portion of the vacuole is transported into the emerging bud. This transport requires a myosin V motor, Myo2, which attaches to the vacuole via Vac17, the vacuole-specific adaptor protein. Vac17 also binds to Vac8, a vacuolar membrane protein. Once the vacuole is brought to the bud cortex via the Myo2-Vac17-Vac8 complex, Vac17 is degraded and the vacuole is released from Myo2. However, mechanisms governing dissociation of the Myo2-Vac17-Vac8 complex are not well understood. Ubiquitylation of the Vac17 adaptor at the bud cortex provides spatial regulation of vacuole release. Here, we report that ubiquitylation alone is not sufficient for cargo release. We find that a parallel pathway, which initiates on the vacuole, converges with ubiquitylation to release the vacuole from Myo2. Specifically, we show that Yck3 and Vps41, independent of their known roles in homotypic fusion and protein sorting (HOPS)-mediated vesicle tethering, are required for the phosphorylation of Vac17 in its Myo2 binding domain. These phosphorylation events allow ubiquitylated Vac17 to be released from Myo2 and Vac8. Our data suggest that Vps41 is regulating the phosphorylation of Vac17 via Yck3, a casein kinase I, and likely another unknown kinase. That parallel pathways are required to release the vacuole from Myo2 suggests that multiple signals are integrated to terminate organelle inheritance. Keywords Protein Binding, Phosphorylation, Receptors, Cell Surface, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins, Vesicular Transport Proteins, Ubiquitination, Casein Kinase I, Myosin Heavy Chains, Myosin Type V, Vacuoles Journal Curr Biol Volume 30 Issue 22 Pages 4399-4412.e7 Date Published 2020 Nov 16 ISSN Number 1879-0445 DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2020.08.062 Alternate Journal Curr Biol PMCID PMC8025699 PMID 32916113 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML