Caenorhabditis elegans recognizes a bacterial quorum-sensing signal molecule through the AWCON neuron. Author Kristen Werner, Lark Perez, Rajarshi Ghosh, Martin Semmelhack, Bonnie Bassler Publication Year 2014 Type Journal Article Abstract In a process known as quorum sensing, bacteria use chemicals called autoinducers for cell-cell communication. Population-wide detection of autoinducers enables bacteria to orchestrate collective behaviors. In the animal kingdom detection of chemicals is vital for success in locating food, finding hosts, and avoiding predators. This behavior, termed chemotaxis, is especially well studied in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Here we demonstrate that the Vibrio cholerae autoinducer (S)-3-hydroxytridecan-4-one, termed CAI-1, influences chemotaxis in C. elegans. C. elegans prefers V. cholerae that produces CAI-1 over a V. cholerae mutant defective for CAI-1 production. The position of the CAI-1 ketone moiety is the key feature driving CAI-1-directed nematode behavior. CAI-1 is detected by the C. elegans amphid sensory neuron AWC(ON). Laser ablation of the AWC(ON) cell, but not other amphid sensory neurons, abolished chemoattraction to CAI-1. These analyses define the structural features of a bacterial-produced signal and the nematode chemosensory neuron that permit cross-kingdom interaction. Keywords Quorum Sensing, Animals, Vibrio cholerae, Caenorhabditis elegans, Chemoreceptor Cells, Chemotaxis, Ketones Journal J Biol Chem Volume 289 Issue 38 Pages 26566-26573 Date Published 2014 Sep 19 ISSN Number 1083-351X DOI 10.1074/jbc.M114.573832 Alternate Journal J Biol Chem PMCID PMC4176233 PMID 25092291 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML