Bidirectional communication in oogenesis: a dynamic conversation in mice and Drosophila. Author Caroline Doherty, Farners Amargant, Stanislav Shvartsman, Francesca Duncan, Elizabeth Gavis Publication Year 2022 Type Journal Article Abstract In most animals, the oocyte is the largest cell by volume. The oocyte undergoes a period of large-scale growth during its development, prior to fertilization. At first glance, tissues that support the development of the oocyte in different organisms have diverse cellular characteristics that would seem to prohibit functional comparisons. However, these tissues often act with a common goal of establishing dynamic forms of two-way communication with the oocyte. We propose that this bidirectional communication between oocytes and support cells is a universal phenomenon that can be directly compared across species. Specifically, we highlight fruit fly and mouse oogenesis to demonstrate that similarities and differences in these systems should be used to inform and design future experiments in both models. Keywords Animals, Drosophila, Mice, Humans, Oocytes, Oogenesis, Communication Journal Trends Cell Biol Volume 32 Issue 4 Pages 311-323 Date Published 2022 Apr ISSN Number 1879-3088 DOI 10.1016/j.tcb.2021.11.005 Alternate Journal Trends Cell Biol PMCID PMC8917990 PMID 34922803 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML