Being open to the unexpected. Author Coleen Murphy Publication Year 2019 Type Journal Article Abstract I am grateful to have received the 2019 Women in Cell Biology Mid-Career Award from the American Society for Cell Biology. My lab has been studying aging and longevity regulation since 2005, but along the way we have had some surprises. These unexpected findings have morphed from detours to main directions, changing how I view biology. As I look back I've come to appreciate the importance and joy that can come from being open to these surprise interests and rigorously pursuing them. Keywords Animals, Humans, Cell Biology, History, 21st Century, Longevity, Awards and Prizes Journal Mol Biol Cell Volume 30 Issue 23 Pages 2862-2864 Date Published 2019 Nov 01 ISSN Number 1939-4586 DOI 10.1091/mbc.E19-07-0380 Alternate Journal Mol Biol Cell PMCID PMC6822587 PMID 31671037 PubMedPubMed CentralGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML