Are natural proteins special? Can we do that? Author Michael Hecht, Shlomo Zarzhitsky, Christina Karas, Sarangan Chari Publication Year 2018 Type Journal Article Abstract Natural proteins represent a minuscule fraction of possible sequence space. These very rare sequences display remarkable properties: They fold into many different stable structures, and perform a wide range of complex biological functions. These two considerations-rarity and functionality-may suggest that natural proteins are somehow special. Is this true? We address this question by exploring attempts to recapitulate the special structures and functions of natural proteins into sequences designed de novo. Keywords Escherichia coli, Protein Binding, Models, Molecular, Protein Conformation, Gene Deletion, Genetic Complementation Test, Gene Library, Amino Acid Sequence, Escherichia coli Proteins, Protein Folding, Protein Engineering, Protein Conformation, alpha-Helical, Protein Conformation, beta-Strand Journal Curr Opin Struct Biol Volume 48 Pages 124-132 Date Published 2018 Feb ISSN Number 1879-033X DOI 10.1016/ Alternate Journal Curr Opin Struct Biol PMID 29306103 PubMedGoogle ScholarBibTeXEndNote X3 XML