Written by
Princeton University, Molecular Biology Staff
June 5, 2019


Mol Bio Class Day stage

The Department of Molecular Biology graduated 49 concentrators on Class Day 2019. Ellie Randolph (left) and Benjamim Jacobson (right) received the award given for the best thesis, the Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research, from chair Bonnie Bassler and Director of Undergraduate Studies Liz Gavis.  Eva Parisi received the George Khoury '65 Senior Prize for Academic Excellence, given to the student with the highest GPA for departmental courses. Six seniors were presented with the Molecular Biology Senior Thesis Prize for exceptional theses - Eva Parisi, Gabriel Lipkowitz, Kelly Van Baalen, Anagha Prasanna, Samvida Venkatesh, and Sungwong Choi.