The Graduate School and the Department of Molecular Biology have partnered with The Rutgers University (New Brunswick/Piscataway) and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS) to serve as a Ph.D. research training site for students enrolled in the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School-Princeton University MD/PhD program.Students admitted to the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School-Princeton University MD/PhD program perform laboratory rotations at Princeton during the summer before and the summer after the first year of the pre-clinical portion of the program, prior to their enrollment as doctoral students, and subject to the approval of a Princeton faculty member. Following the second rotation, a student chooses a laboratory for his or her Ph.D. research by mutual agreement with a faculty adviser and with the approval of the Graduate School.Students who are accepted to work with a faculty member or an affiliated faculty member of the Department of Molecular Biology enter the Ph.D. program and receive that degree from Princeton. These students fulfill Graduate School and departmental requirements, including the one-year residence requirement and passing the general and final public oral examinations. (It is likely that pre-clinical course work at Rutgers/RWJMS will substitute for the department's core curriculum.) M.D./Ph.D Program Links Rutgers Robert Wood Johson Medical School-Princeton University M.D./Ph.D. Program Overview M.D./Ph.D. Admissions Daniel A. Notterman, M.D. Professor of the Practice in Molecular Biology. Senior Research Scholar, Molecular Biology Senior Advisor to the Provost for Biomedical Affairs Office Phone 609-258-7185 Email [email protected] Office Thomas Laboratory, 219