Genetics & Molecular Biology Training Grant T32GM007388NOTE: Publications where a graduate student was supported by the training grant, regardless of when the research was conducted, should acknowledge the grant. Please follow the instructions for citation detailed below.The Department of Molecular Biology has been fortunate to hold training grants for our graduate program for more than 40 years. We initially held a cancer training grant and two in genetics. The current Genetics and Molecular Biology training grant (GMB) is in year 44 and funds 22 slots. The current PI for the grant is Ileana Cristea. The grant funds selected students in their second and third years of the graduate program.The training grant has been a driving force for creating an interdisciplinary research community in the life sciences at Princeton, as we are able to support students in their second and third years in the Department of Molecular Biology as well as Associated Faculty labs that also do genetics research: Chemistry, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Lewis Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics. In this way the training grant augments departmental efforts in providing a distinct interdisciplinary training environment. In addition to covering the stipends and tuition for the students supported by the grant, the budget has funds allocated for travel and for students to be trained to use the core facilities in the department. For students graduating in the last 10 years, 94% of the students on our training grant stayed in science-related careers in academia, government and industry.To promote best practices, students are required to complete a Requirements for Responsible Conduct of Research course early in their graduate careers as well as a refresher course in the later years. We also use Individual Development Plans for our students to frame their career discussions with their advisors. Diversity has always been a goal of the Department and of the training grant, which supports recruitment and retention efforts as well as analysis of our progress. We are proud to have a graduate student population that has students from many groups that are under-represented in the sciences: under-represented minorities (as defined by the NIH) have comprised on average 27% of our graduate student population for the last 5 years. Our former director of recruiting and diversity went on to lead the training, career development and diversity programs at the NIGMS division of the NIH. We have been proactive in keeping our curriculum at the forefront of the field scientifically, and are indebted to the GMB program not only for the funding and fostering of our learning environment, but for providing guideposts on how to lead administratively as well. CITATION OF TRAINING GRANTThe number for the MOL training grant is: T32GM007388The Institute is NIGMS.You should cite the TG in your publications if a graduate student is a co-author on the paper and was at any time supported on the MOL TG, regardless of when the research was conducted. If you don’t know if a student was supported on the TG, ask your grants manager.For the acknowledgement in registering for the PMCID (PubMedCentral ID): all publications supported by NIH grants need to go into My NCBI and they must have PMCIDs. When you register online for the PMCID there is a place to indicate which NIH grant or grants supported the authors of the paper. There is a specific format for entering the grant info there and the FAs follow those instructions when adding their PI’s publications. So, if one of the co-authors was supported by our training grant, then our training grant should be included there. For the acknowledgement at the end of a paper, press release, or any other document about research supported by an NIH grant, include:An acknowledgment of NIH grant support such as: "Research reported in this [publication, release] was supported by [name of the Institute, Center, or other funding component] of the National Institutes of Health under grant number [specific NIH grant number in this format: T32GM007388]."A disclaimer that says: "The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health."