The Electron Microscopy (EM) Core Facility is administered and supported by the Department of Molecular Biology in collaboration with the University’s Imaging & Analysis Center (IAC), located on the lower level of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment (ACEE). We provide multiple services encompassing the negative staining, Cryo-EM single-particle analysis (SPA) and tomography (Cryo-ET) pipelines. ConsultationTechnical questionsProject designSpecimen optimizationData processingTrainingMicroscopy training (alignments, screening, data collection, troubleshooting)Sample preparationData processingSample preparation equipment is located in Moffett Hall, Room 113. In addition to cryo-EM grid preparation via plunge freezing, we support other sample preparation methods including immuno-labeling and high-pressure freezing. The EM Core Facility is open to all Princeton faculty, staff, and students, as well as to off-campus investigators and users. Those intending to conduct an EM-based project should first to contact the facility manager, Jonathan Bouvette, to discuss specific needs and to design a plan.Links to useful resources:See the list of available instruments and equipmentTo book time on an instrument, please use the online scheduling tool: eCalendarTo schedule training, please first contact Jonathan Bouvette or Paul Shao to discuss your specific needs and what to prepare for the training session. More details on the Imaging & Analysis Center's User Training page.MS Teams channel for internal discussion forums and protocols.SmartScope ServerContacts