The Nikon A1R confocal microscope is combined with a STED detector allowing imaging with a large field of view and high resolution. It includes the following features:High speed resonant scanner: Maximum frame rate can reach 720 frames per second.Large field of view (25 mm) results in fewer total images required for large high-resolution image stitching.4 Detector ports are standard and allow simultaneous or sequential detection of up to four channels of fluorescence:Two high sensitivity GaAsP detectorsTwo standard PMT’sLaser Platform:7 laser lines with solid state lasers: 405 nm, 445 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm, 561 nm 594 nm, 640 nm.Nikon perfect focus system (PFS) is the solution to keep cells in focus over prolonged time-lapse imaging sessions. Pick the focal plane and PFS monitors the focus every 5ms to maintain focus indefinitely.Accessories: Motorized XY stage and piezo Z stage for rapid sectioning.4X, 10X, 20X air objectives, 40X silicone, and 60X and 100X oil objectives live on stand. 20X multi-immersion objective is available upon request.Stage top incubator for temperature, humidity, and CO2 atmospheric control.Best Applications:Samples up to several hundred microns thick (sample dependent). Live or fixed (temperature, humidity and CO2 available). Low magnification high resolution imaging as well as high magnification high resolution. FRAP/PA/PC capabilities.