@article{3876, keywords = {Animals, Bacteria, Fishes, Microbiota, Metagenomics, Phylogeny, Symbiosis, Elasmobranchii, Integumentary System}, author = {Michael Doane and Megan Morris and Bhavya Papudeshi and Lauren Allen and Dnyanada Pande and John Haggerty and Shaili Johri and Abigail Turnlund and Meredith Peterson and Dovi Kacev and Andy Nosal and Deni Ramirez and Kevin Hovel and Julia Ledbetter and Amanda Alker and Jackeline Avalos and Kristi Baker and Shruti Bhide and Emma Billings and Steven Byrum and Molly Clemens and Amelia Demery and Lais Lima and Oscar Gomez and Omar Gutierrez and Selena Hinton and Donald Kieu and Angie Kim and Rebeca Loaiza and Alexander Martinez and Jordan McGhee and Kristine Nguyen and Sabrina Parlan and Amanda Pham and Rosalyn Price-Waldman and Robert Edwards and Elizabeth Dinsdale}, title = {The skin microbiome of elasmobranchs follows phylosymbiosis, but in teleost fishes, the microbiomes converge.}, abstract = {
BACKGROUND: The vertebrate clade diverged into Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays, and chimeras) and Osteichthyes fishes (bony fishes) approximately 420 mya, with each group accumulating vast anatomical and physiological differences, including skin properties. The skin of Chondrichthyes fishes is covered in dermal denticles, whereas Osteichthyes fishes are covered in scales and are mucous rich. The divergence time among these two fish groups is hypothesized to result in predictable variation among symbionts. Here, using shotgun metagenomics, we test if patterns of diversity in the skin surface microbiome across the two fish clades match predictions made by phylosymbiosis theory. We hypothesize (1) the skin microbiome will be host and clade-specific, (2) evolutionary difference in elasmobranch and teleost will correspond with a concomitant increase in host-microbiome dissimilarity, and (3) the skin structure of the two groups will affect the taxonomic and functional composition of the microbiomes.
RESULTS: We show that the taxonomic and functional composition of the microbiomes is host-specific. Teleost fish had lower average microbiome within clade similarity compared to among clade comparison, but their composition is not different among clade in a null based model. Elasmobranch{\textquoteright}s average similarity within clade was not different than across clade and not different in a null based model of comparison. In the comparison of host distance with microbiome distance, we found that the taxonomic composition of the microbiome was related to host distance for the elasmobranchs, but not the teleost fishes. In comparison, the gene function composition was not related to the host-organism distance for elasmobranchs but was negatively correlated with host distance for teleost fishes.
CONCLUSION: Our results show the patterns of phylosymbiosis are not consistent across both fish clades, with the elasmobranchs showing phylosymbiosis, while the teleost fish are not. The discrepancy may be linked to alternative processes underpinning microbiome assemblage, including possible historical host-microbiome evolution of the elasmobranchs and convergent evolution in the teleost which filter specific microbial groups. Our comparison of the microbiomes among fishes represents an investigation into the microbial relationships of the oldest divergence of~extant vertebrate hosts and reveals that microbial relationships are not consistent across evolutionary timescales. Video abstract.
}, year = {2020}, journal = {Microbiome}, volume = {8}, pages = {93}, month = {2020 Jun 13}, issn = {2049-2618}, doi = {10.1186/s40168-020-00840-x}, language = {eng}, }