@article{3735, keywords = {DNA, Reverse Transcription, Genome, Gene Editing}, author = {Jun Yan and Ann Cirincione and Britt Adamson}, title = {Prime Editing: Precision Genome Editing by Reverse Transcription.}, abstract = {
Genome editing is a method for making targeted sequence changes to the genomes of living cells. Prime editing, recently reported by Anzalone et~al. (2019), is a new technology that uses reverse transcription to "write" programmed sequence changes into genomic DNA and thus promises significant technical advances.
}, year = {2020}, journal = {Mol Cell}, volume = {77}, pages = {210-212}, month = {2020 Jan 16}, issn = {1097-4164}, doi = {10.1016/j.molcel.2019.12.016}, language = {eng}, }