@article{3422, author = {David Oettinger and Jesse Ault and Howard Stone and George Haller}, title = {Invisible Anchors Trap Particles in Branching Junctions.}, abstract = {
We combine numerical simulations and an analytic approach to show that the capture of finite, inertial particles during flow in branching junctions is due to invisible, anchor-shaped three-dimensional flow structures. These Reynolds-number-dependent anchors define trapping regions that confine particles to the junction. For a wide range of Stokes numbers, these structures occupy a large part of the flow domain. For~flow in a V-shaped junction, at a critical Stokes number, we observe a topological transition due to the merger of two anchors into one. From a stability analysis, we identify the parameter region of particle sizes and densities where capture due to anchors occurs.
}, year = {2018}, journal = {Phys Rev Lett}, volume = {121}, pages = {054502}, month = {2018 Aug 03}, issn = {1079-7114}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.054502}, language = {eng}, }